Youtube Deleted Videos Related to Bomb Moscow
Youtube deleted a video that shows the leadership of the Muslim rebel group the Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus, Doku Umarov. Google, as the owner of Youtube do so after receiving protests from Russian citizens. Umarov is known as a leader of the group responsible for bombings in Moscow March 29, 2010.
"The first video contains about Umarov statement about our suicide bombers have been removed, yesterday," Google spokesman said the Russian Alla Zabrovskaya. "We pulled it after a number of Internet users who complain and protest. Moderators we assess the video contains about propaganda, violence, hatred, and intimidation, and that's against the rules on Youtube," added Zabrovskaya.
In his video Umarov said he personally ordered the attack. He added that the attacks against Russia will continue to be done. "As you know on March 29 in Moscow, two special operations conducted to destroy the infidels," Umarov said in the video was four and a half minutes.
Suicide bombing that killed approximately 40 people and 80 people injured. Google itself has started to do a 'cleansing' of the videos that violate the rules. Pressure to remove the video also comes from the Russian government. "Does Google support the terrorists? If it is true, a member of Russia's security should investigate Google's activities in Russia," warned Robert Shlegel, Russian Deputy Parliament to urge elimination of related Google videos Umarov.