
Friday, January 15, 2010

Ring Solar Eclipse Seen in Indonesia

Although previously characterized overcast and drizzle, the visitors finally Bosscha Observatory, West Bandung-Indonesia, could see the ring solar eclipse, Friday. "Since the morning was overcast as if an eclipse will not be visible from Bosscha. But the natural scenario provides an opportunity for us to be able to witness the natural phenomenon that clearly," said a visitor Bosscha.

In an atmosphere of continued rain mists, suddenly at about 15:05 PM the sky over Lembang, Bandung, Indonesia was suddenly bright and allows a clear view of the sun. Such opportunity, visitors who previously sheltered at the Auditorium Bosscha and a few other places, flying directly into the open. Some buy glasses Mylar filter provided at the souvenirs on sale there. With subdistrict filters, residents can freely see the natural phenomenon of the park around Bosscha Observatory.

Some take advantage of some sun glasses provided by Bosscha that once held "open house" for visitors. Solar eclipse seen from Bandung and its surroundings is only 8.3 percent of the course. Although an eclipse can not tell in detail, visitors admitted satisfied. Eclipse occurred since at 14:35 PM until 18:55 PM.

Meanwhile, the sky overcast Bandung cause not all residents in the region could see a solar eclipse. However, residents gave an interpretation of a number of mosques in their neighborhood since at 14:30 PM until 16:00 PM. But natural phenomena was not until the activities disturb residents who continue to run normally. Residents and pedestrians occasionally look at the sun, but they admit that they could not see the eclipse due to clouds.

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